Category Archives: What I’m Reading

What I’m Reading…

I always read lots of different stuff at the same time. One book for lunch time, one for before bed etc. So here is a list of books i am reading:

‘The Dark of the Sun’  Wilbur Smith. This is going very well, although I went into it with scepticism, following the disappointment of  ‘Assegai’. Set in modern days, following a group of mercenaries in Africa, I have been impressed. A review will be up soon.

The Bible: Part way through the Old Testament, difficult going, but very interesting and helping my Christian journey.

‘Young Fur Traders’ RM Ballantyne. Tried this when i was younger. Very old book, but never completed it. Have only just started and it is great so far. Written in 1856 so the style is unlike much written today.

Warhammer and Warhammer 40K Rulebook. Not novels, but i read the rules over and over especially Warhammer as they have only recently come out and so i am not up to date with them. Great game to get into as it has been a great inspiration to me across the years.